.NET Core: the small print

Some time ago, I wrote an article about upgrading code from .NET Framework to .NET Core. While this may give you a decent overview to get your code up and running in .NET Core, the devil is, as always, in the details. So let me give you an example of such a detail.

In this case, getting your code up and running in .NET Core is one thing. But in the case of user interfaces, more specifically when they are using WinForms, there’s a difference between having them up and running, and having them look and behave correctly.

Namely, when you design forms with the Designer in Visual Studio, a lot of code is generated automatically, and you may not have given it any second thought. But one thing that is relevant, is that the Designer will generate components that have the AutoScaleMode property set to Font.

What does that mean exactly? Well, it may seem a bit unusual to scale things by a ‘font’, but the idea is that your controls will not have an absolute size, but will scale depending on the size of the system’s fonts. Which makes sense when you mostly want to display readable text, and are not worried about absolute size.

So, what this means is that it is likely that when you’ve designed a number of forms/controls with the Visual Studio Designer, that they will have font-relative scaling. So far so good, but what’s the problem then?

Well, the question is: WHAT font is being used for scaling? That is the Font property of the control. Which you probably, just like the AutoScaleMode properly, rarely set manually. In which case, it will default to the DefaultFont.

Okay… but then why is it that if you use Font-scaling and you are using the DefaultFont, that the scaling is different depending on whether you compile the same code for .NET Framework or .NET core?

Well, there’s our small print: For .NET Core 3 there was a breaking change: the default font was changed from Microsoft Sans Serif 8 to Segoe UI 9. That explains why the default behaviour differs between .NET Framework and .NET Core 3.1 or higher. The scaling is based off a different font. The differences are generally subtle, so you may not even notice in most screens. But sometimes things will look very wrong.

However, we’re in luck. Because .NET 6 introduced another change, which can help us here: A new Application.SetDefaultFont() function was added, which allows you to set the default font application-wide at startup. If you set it to Microsoft Sans Serif 8 at startup, the font-relative scaling in your application will behave the same as it did .NET Framework. That means you won’t have to manually set the font for every control.

However, the tricky thing here is that this behaviour was changed in .NET Core 3, a very early version, from the days when .NET Core was not yet considered ready for mainstream/desktop usage. As I wrote last time, that wasn’t until .NET 5. But as we now see, it may be useful to read through the entire changelog of .NET Core whenever we run into an issue, even the early versions, as some breaking changes may have been done early on, and they may affect us now.

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